Struggling with how you look on a day-to-day basis can feel overwhelming. Adding the appearance of a double chin can make us self-conscious and unsatisfied with our profile. If you’re looking for an effective way to eliminate troublesome fat under your chin, our team at Aspen Aesthetics can help. We offer effective chin fat reduction treatments in the form of Belkyra™ injections and TruSculpt® iD fat reduction treatments. These treatments can minimize the appearance of fat without the need for significant downtime or surgery.
How Does This Occur?
The official name for a double chin is submental fat, and it can collect under your chin after significant weight gain, or it can be a genetic issue. When we consume more calories than we use as energy, the excess gets stored as fat and can end up just about anywhere. Once submental fat forms, it can be challenging to get rid of. Thankfully, our team offers several effective treatment solutions to help you contour your profile.
How Can Belkyra™ Chin Treatments Help?
One of our specialists will administer the Belkyra™ treatment via multiple injections under your chin when you arrive for your first treatment. The total number of injections will depend on your specific needs. The typical treatment time for Belkyra™ is usually about 15-20 minutes. Up to six treatments spaced at one-month intervals have delivered the best results. You may experience some mild swelling, bruising, and numbness under the chin following your treatment. These side effects typically only last for about three days. After they subside, you will see a dramatic improvement in your profile and skin tightness under your chin. Most patients begin to see the effects of Belkyra™ after three treatment sessions, but up to six may be needed for the best results.
Can TruSculpt® iD Fat Reduction Treatments Help Me?
TruSculpt® iD uses radiofrequency energy to target fat and heats it to a level of fat cell death, after which the body eliminates it naturally through the lymphatic system. It also tightens the skin in the treatment area, so you aren’t left with hanging skin once the fat is removed. Studies have shown that an average of 24% body fat is removed after one treatment session. This treatment is excellent if you are looking to reduce thigh and belly fat and ease the appearance of a double chin and sculpt your arms. The best part of using TruSculpt® iD is that there is no downtime. You can go back to your normal routine right after treatment.

Start Your Double Chin Treatments Today with Aspen Aesthetics
At Aspen Aesthetics, you’ll find qualified experts with years of training in aesthetic treatments for double chins. Schedule your appointment by using the online scheduler or calling (587) 200-8018.