Are you looking for a natural, skin-rejuvenating solution to address aging concerns? Look no further! Our EXO|E Exosomes are an excellent choice for nourishing your skin and helping you feel more youthful. This treatment protocol uses plant cell technology in a patented three-step process to give your skin a fighting edge against aging. The treatment is chemical-free, water-based, and completely natural. Schedule a consultation here at Aspen Aesthetics to learn more about this treatment today.
What Is EXO|E Skin Revitalization?
EXO|E Skin Revitalizing Complex is a patent-protected biofriendly formula that nourishes your skin. The treatment protocol includes D|TOX, EXO|E, and RE|PAIR, applied over an 11-day regimen. This process is performed both in-office and at home. This technology aims to enhance skincare results and speed up skin rejuvenation outcomes when combined with other treatments like laser skincare. EXO|E Exosomes are one component of this package. The full treatment course includes:
- D|TOX – This formula helps hydrate and prep your skin for your upcoming aesthetic treatment.
- EXO|E – This formula features liposomes, growth, and anti-stressing factors (all plant-based) that nourish your skin.
- RE|PAIR – This formula reinforces the work of EXO|E with ten additional applications of the full complement of stem cell factors found in nature’s restorative processes—a home run for the skin!
What Are EXO|E Exosomes Used For?
The EXO|E Skin Revitalizing Complex can be useful as a skin pre-procedure for RF Microneedling, skin resurfacing, semi-ablative treatments, and more. As a standalone, these treatments can be used to enhance the youth of your skin and can also help optimize your results after a procedure.

What Can I Expect During My Treatment?
The treatment process is simple and follows an 11-day protocol with three separate serum processes:
- D|TOX – This is used twice daily for five days to hydrate the skin up to 10x for optimum treatment results.
- EXO|E – This serum works synergistically with any in-office treatment to optimize immediate and visible results pre and post-treatment.
- RE|PAIR – This serum is used twice daily for five days post-treatment, enhancing comfort and shortening downtime.
Skin Revitalization with EXO|E Exosomes in Edmonton
Renew, refresh, and revitalize your skin with our EXO|E Exosomes here at Aspen Aesthetics. These treatments are excellent as both a standalone treatment and an enhancement formula for your skin. If you’re interested in learning more, you can connect with our office by filling out the form below or calling (587) 200-8018.