DE|RIVE Hair Restoration

DE|RIVE Hair Restoration

Are you struggling with hair loss? According to the Canadian Dermatology Association, male pattern baldness affects roughly 50% of men, with 4 out of 5 men experiencing some degree of hair loss by age 70. As for women, the Association states that roughly 40% will experience signs of hair thinning by age 50. We’re determined to put a dent in that substantial amount. At Aspen Aesthetics, we offer DE|RIVE Hair Restoration treatments to help you maintain the health and beauty of your hair. This amazing, non-invasive treatment can be applied quickly and can help nourish your scalp, easing hair loss symptoms and helping you feel more confident. Schedule an appointment to learn more today.

Photo of DERIVE product

What Is DE|RIVE Hair Restoration?

DE|RIVE is a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment that combines in-office treatments with home care products to effectively and safely target hair thinning. The in-office application can also be done with our JetPeel technology for deep penetration, reaching your hair follicles and nourishing your hair at its source, without the use of needles and completely pain free.

How Does DE|RIVE Hair Restoration Work?

DE|RIVE Hair Restoration is 100% natural, plant-based, and dermatologist-formulated. This makes it suitable for all skin and hair types. The treatment works by reducing inflammation, increasing hydration and blood flow to the scalp, and removing dead cells around the hair follicle. These benefits revitalize the scalp and encourage the growth of fuller, healthier hair.

Before and After Photos

How Long Do Results Last?

While hair loss can’t be prevented, it can be stalled thanks to DE|RIVE. Several sessions, along with in-home care, are necessary to get the results you want. During your visit to our office, we will work with you to determine the best treatment protocol to fit your schedule and give you beautiful results.

Schedule DE|RIVE Hair Restoration at Aspen Aesthetics Today!

If you’re struggling with hair loss, our DE|RIVE treatments may suit you. These treatments take little time to administer and can help you maintain the health of your hair. Learn more about this treatment here at our Edmonton, AB office today. Connect with Aspen Aesthetics by booking your appointment using the online scheduler or calling (587) 200-8018.